
Information on the open call
This WP has three objectives:
  1. Improve communication and an efficient transfer of information  
  2. Efficient implementation of the work programme
  3. Facilitate the cooperation between FarmConners researchers 
1. Eligibility Criteria
Who can participate:
From PhD to senior scientists and managers
How to apply:
To apply, please go to the submenu in the left side of this page. Please complete and submit the form, including a completed version of the available template. Questions can be directed to Anna Maria Sempreviva.

When to apply:

  • Application can be submitted continuously until the 30th of June 2021
  • Grants must end no later than 31th of July 2021 
2. Mobility Scheme
There are two mobility schemes with different target groups:
2.1. Mobility scheme less than 1 week for Managers. The purpose of this scheme is to stimulate the mobility of managers in the FarmConners organizations to meet and discuss for laying down strategic action plans and other collaborative efforts.
2.2 Mobility scheme from 1 to 2 weeks for all other scientists. The purpose of this scheme is to support joint face-to-face activities to fulfil the mobility programme objectives i.e. strengthen the collaboration of the partners for an efficient implementation of FarmConners' work programme. Examples of preferred activities:  jointly write papers, designing/performing  benchmarking, choice of and detailed discussion on case studies, and similar.
3. Funding Model
Grants for periods from 1 to 2 weeks
A sum of 200 €/day and a lump sum of 600 € for travelling to/from the host organisation.
The total grant will be refunded after the approval of the final report.

Daily allowance will be granted in the following cases:

  • During weekends in the grant period
  • During National holidays in the host country

Daily allowance will NOT be granted in the following cases:

  • Vacation periods held before, during and after the grant
  • During days off held in connection to national holidays in the researchers home country
4. Evaluation Procedure of the Applications
  • Each application will have 2 reviewers chosen from a pool of reviewers
  • The reviewers will assess the application and score it according to fixed criteria and a given grading scale
  • The applications with the highest scores will be granted according to the criteria identified in Table 1 and 2 respectively

Quality, innovative aspects and credibility of the research

Clarity and quality of knowledge sharing among the participants in light of the research and innovation objectives

Quality of the interaction between the participating organisations

Weight: 50%, 1st priority at ex equo

Grade: 0-3

Threshold: 2

Enhancing research- and innovation-related human resources, skills and working conditions

To develop new and lasting research collaborations, to achieve transfer of knowledge between research institutions and to improve research and innovation potential at the European and global levels

Effectiveness of the proposed measures for communication and results dissemination

Weight: 30%, 2nd priority at ex equo

Grade: 0-3

Threshold: 2

Overall coherence and effectiveness of the work plan, including appropriateness of the allocation of tasks and resources

Appropriateness of the management structures and procedures, including quality management and risk management

Competences, experience and complementarity of the participating organisations and institutional commitment

Weight: 20%, 3rd priority at ex equo

Grade: 0-3

Threshold: 2

Table 1. Evaluation Criteria


0 Out of scope
1 Sufficient
2 Good
3 Excellent

Table 2. Grading score for proposals

5. Time Schedule of the Evaluation Procedure
  • Results of the evaluation: within three weeks from the application deadline
  • Start of the grant: within three months from the approval
6. Application Form (max. 4 pages excl. cover)
The Application must be submitted via email to Anna Maria Sempreviva
Outline of the application template:
6.1 Introduction
  • Research topics and connection to the WP
  • Contribution and benefits on FarmConners strategy goals, gaps addressed
  • Short description of relevant national projects aligned to the proposed activities
Include milestones, funding services, research activity (demonstration, applied research, basic research (etc.).
Please consider that at least one of the partners should have a national project relevant to the proposal.
  • Description of national project from receiving institution (please erase if not actual)
  • Description of national project from sending institution (please erase if not actual)
6.2 Work Plan
  • Timing
  • Deliverables
6.3 Dissemination and Transfer of Knowledge (TOK) to other FarmConners Participants
  • Explain Tok or dissemination strategies and plan of future collaboration with the host.
6.4 Expected Results:
  • Methodologies and/or databases and/or best practices functional to the activities of the IRP and EERA strategic agenda objectives
  • Assessment of the advancement towards FarmConners' objectives
7. Procedure after the completion of the grant
  • A final report will be due within 15 days of the completion of the grant. The report must be submitted via email to Anna Maria Sempreviva
  • The final report will be reviewed by the same panel as the evaluation (The coordinator of the most relevant sub-programme and 2 chosen from the pool of reviewers)
  • The evaluation of the panel approval will be within 2 weeks of receiving the report
  • The sum remainder of the grant will be issued after the approval of the final report 
8. Final report form (max 4 pages, ex. tables & figures)

Outline of the final report form:

  • Description of the work and major results
  • Compliance to the expected results, Advancement towards the objectives of FarmConners
  • Description of the benefit for the researcher, the host and home organization and the FarmConners programme
  • Future perspectives (Future research, availability of databases to other parties, expected publications and dissemination activities)


Anna Maria Sempreviva
DTU Wind
+45 46 77 50 25
13 FEBRUARY 2025