Workshop on The Value of Wind Farm Control, 3-4 February 2020, Leuven

Thursday 28 Nov 19


Tuhfe Göçmen
Senior Researcher
DTU Wind
+45 61 39 62 41


Gregor Giebel
Head of Section
DTU Wind
+45 46 77 50 95

3/4 February 2020 Workshop on

What is the value of Wind Farm Control in the zero-subsidy era?


  • Design Phase

Revenue management: How important is Wind Farm Control (WFC) in revenue/asset management with the flexible electricity market prices of the (near) future and how does that affect the new project development?

Fatigue Load reduction: Lower capital costs and closer turbine spacing made possible?

  • Operation Phase

Grid stability: Is WFC is crucial for a more intelligent provision of the grid ancillary services?

Market fit: How active is the participation of wind power plants in the electricity market(s) and how WFC can support?

Reduced loads during operation: Improved reliability? How realistic is ‘lifetime extension’ in practice?

  • Combined Optimization

Maximize the revenue: How to define and combine the cost functions for maximum revenue, not only power?


The detailed agenda is here. The entire workshop (day 1, day 2) can be watched on the WindFarmControl YouTube channel.


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