Konstanze Kölle (SINTEF) and Tuhfe Göçmen (DTU)

First successful Mobility in FarmConners took place

Tuesday 24 Mar 20


Tuhfe Göçmen
Senior Researcher
DTU Wind
+45 61 39 62 41

Konstanze Kölle (SINTEF) as visiting researcher and Tuhfe Göçmen (DTU) as the host

The mobility clearly contributes to reaching the FarmConners goals by directly addressing specific deliverables defined in the FarmConners project. In this case, deliverables in WP1 (D1.4) and WP3 (D3.2) were targeted. Here is how the visiting and the host researchers reflected on the outcomes of this 1-week mobility.

Konstanze Kölle:
he temporary co-location at the same institution enabled a direct dialogue during the preparation of the deliverables. The discussions were much more efficient than they would have been via mail or other tele-communication. The positive experience strengthens the professional connection between DTU and SINTEF. Further collaboration in the future is very likely.”

She also adds:

“Visiting DTU for a week provided an interesting insight into the daily routines and enabled discussions with other researchers during lunch breaks.”

Tuhfe Göçmen:
“Having physically close collaboration has increased the efficiency significantly. Many of the deliverables were finalised with ease and several inspiring scientific discussions took place. We have also discussed the difference and similarities of the work culture between DTU and SINTEF, as well as overlapping research areas and interests which ensures further fruitful collaboration.”

“The efficient discussions clearly showed us the benefit of visiting partner institutions to work together on the project in an intensive period. Based on this experience, we will promote the mobility in FarmConners to other consortium members.”


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